The basics
All weblins have:
Meeting people on web pages
Animated 3d-avatars
Chat on every web page
One click videoconference
Web browser extension for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
Completely anonymous
Works on all web sites
Advanced features
And even more:
Speech bubble and/or chat window
Private chat
Private videoconference
Screen and app window sharing
Several avatar sets: business, casual, various other themes
Randomized initial avatar preset with configuration option for user
Parametrized initial neutral nickname selection and configuration option for user
Simple meetings setup be visiting a web page at a scheduled time without the need to install additional videoconference tools, i.e. no Skype, Teams, Zoom, WebEx.
Simple installation suitable for the mass market and inexperienced users
Reduced set of controls and GUI elements
Safe installation via Microsoft and Google app store validation
Security enhanced through browser sandbox without native programs
Privacy protection
Small memory/disk footprint
Flexible configuration of web address - chat room mapping
Hosting in Germany
What your IT wants to know
Technical details
SSL encryption
Cloud hosting
URL mapping
Jitsi videoconference
IETF standardized XMPP Protocol
Open source chat server
Patented privacy preserving method for distributed communication channel allocation